Many people notice that they do not like the way their eyes look, often due to the presence of dark circles. This makes them look tired, which is usually not how they really feel. Attractive lower eyelids are vertically short and blend naturally with the cheeks. When there is a furrow between the eyelids and the cheeks, the appearance conveys tiredness or sadness. Some people have a dark coloring under the eyelids, which increases this effect.


The first one consists of placing fillers in the furrow, in order to conceal it and achieve that smooth transition between the eyelid and the cheek. This is a highly advanced procedure, since treatment of the periocular area poses unique challenges. Hyaluronic acid is a product that acts by absorbing liquid and creating volume. One of its advantages is that there is a product called hyaluronidase, which can be used to dissolve it. This makes it a very safe product, since any undesired effect can be reversed.
Is the injection of hyaluronic acid painful?
Most people think that, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means minimal pain and 10 means unbearable pain, the filler procedure lies between 1 and 2. This is because the injection of fillers with a cannula is minimally traumatic, and because the composition of the product includes anesthesia.
It is advisable to use cold compresses the afternoon of the application and avoid sports that day. Most patients do not present bruising and edema is usually minimal. The exception is lip fillers, which usually cause edema for up to 48 hours.
Depending on the product chosen (which is determined by skin thickness, age and type of anatomy), it lasts 1 to 2 years. However, it is not uncommon to find patients for whom the beneficial effect is twice as long.
The greatest advantage of using hyaluronic acid is that we have a product called hyaluronidase, which can be used to dissolve it. This gives us a very high safety margin, since we can correct treatment imperfections.
Generally speaking, the younger the person and the milder the problem, the better it is to use fillers. If the patient has very bulky bags, periocular wrinkles or very thin skin, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is the best option.
Fillers have structural purposes, to restore volume and to correct imperfections. We usually place small amounts in the cheekbones to elevate the cheeks and create a more youthful profile. In areas lacking volume, such as the cheeks, the furrows between the nose and mouth, the lips, the chin and the temples and eyebrows, small amounts are usually used to achieve natural effects.


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