Blepharoplasty is cosmetic eyelid surgery. Nowadays, in order to rejuvenate the area around the eyes, special attention is paid to repositioning the tissues that have undergone the changes associated with time and gravity, rather than to removing excess tissue. It is of the utmost importance that the changes made do not cause problems to eye function. The use of CO2 laser shortens the recovery time thanks to the absence or notable reduction of bruising and the possibility of skin rejuvenation.
What do we want in eyelid surgery?
  1. In the upper eyelids, the goal is to achieve a single crease parallel to the eyelashes, without excessive depth.
  2. In the lower eyelids, we aim to achieve a vertical shortening of the eyelid, smoothing the transition between the eyelid and the cheek by repositioning the fat from the bags in the sulcus. The eyelid is tightened if it is excessively lax, and finally the skin is rejuvenated using a fractional CO2 laser.
  3. The position of the eyebrows is key when evaluating the amount of skin in the upper eyelids. If the eyebrows appear lowered, it is advisable to elevate them to avoid an excessive removal of eyelid skin. Nowadays we use the endoscopic brow lift (MIVEL) surgery, which helps raise the eyebrows through 5 small incisions hidden in the scalp.
In cosmetic surgery in men, especial care is taken to preserve masculine features, and natural and very favorable results can be obtained.
Usually the patient is asked to allow for a week with few obligations. The first three days should be spent applying cold compresses and resting. It is usual for vision to be blurred during that week. Sports can be resumed after 2 weeks.
This procedure is performed with cardiac monitoring and intravenous sedation under the care of an anesthesiologist. A controlled dose of sedatives is administered to ensure that the patient does not feel any pain. Once the surgery is over, and after the anesthesia wears off, there is usually no pain and patients rarely use painkillers.
Before any eyelid surgery, a complete ophthalmologic examination is performed. This rules out eye problems that may cause an unwanted result. Patients who have dry eyes or alterations in the position of their eyelids can be treated for those conditions at the same time.
Traditional eyelid surgery does not correct crow’s feet. When using fractional CO2 laser, wrinkles around the eyes, including crow’s feet, can be improved.
The laser is an instrument that uses a beam of light with two modes. With the ablative mode, the light makes incisions in the skin and conjunctiva, with no or minimal bleeding. This results in the majority of patients having no bruising. The second mode is the fractional mode, used to create small holes in the skin, which upon healing result in increased tension and, over months, in formation of new collagen, rejuvenating the skin and reducing wrinkles.

Lifting Endoscopico

Las cejas constituyen una parte muy importante del tercio superior de la cara, debido a que su forma y ubicación son las que dan la cantidad de piel que el paciente tiene en los párpados superiores. Cuando las cejas descienden se observa una mayor cantidad de piel, y eso da un aspecto de cansancio o envejecimiento. Antiguamente las cirugías para elevar las cejas consistían en una incisión que iba de una oreja a la otra para generar una tracción superior. Hoy en día podemos realizar estas cirugías a través de 5 incisiones pequeñas con la ayuda de un endoscopio (lifting endoscópico), y reposicionar las cejas a la altura y forma deseadas
¿Esta operación es dolorosa?
Esta intervención se realiza con monitoreo cardiológico y sedación intravenosa a cargo de un médico anestesiólogo. Se administra una dosis controlada de sedantes para lograr que el paciente no se sienta ningún tipo de dolor durante la operación. Durante las primeras 48 hs indicamos analgesicos en forma preventiva para evitar la aparición de dolor.
Es habitual que el lifting endoscópico se combine con la blefaroplastia, aunque la indicación exacta depende de cada paciente, su examen y sus expectativas.


With the eCO2 laser, upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty can be performed with minimal bleeding. This minimizes bruising and swelling. It can also be used to treat the skin of the eyelids and crow’s feet, reducing wrinkles and improving the quality of the skin. Two levels of results can be expected: immediate and progressive. • Immediately after healing, the skin surface is smoother, more luminous and more even. • Progressive results appear over 3 to 6 months following treatment, as the deeper layers of the skin continue to heal, and may show continuous improvement up to one year after treatment. The eCO2 has received approval from the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) and from the EC (European Conformity), and has proven to be safe and effective.



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